It’s a Guide’s Life – August 27th
After an exciting and busy night watching the big fight in the Bell Ringer most guests were ready to go bright and early for 7 am to be first off the dock.
I’d had a quick chat with my guests the night before and decided we were going to start our morning in Yatze bay. The slight fog was lifting as the sun was starting to poke out. We could see the lighthouse on Shag Rock in the distance as we dropped in. We were the first boat there. Right as we dropped in we hooked into a coho who launched out of the water multiple times. Although it slipped the hooks and got away we were optimistic for the rest of the morning.
We were fortunate enough to hook 3 Chinooks over the next hour and landed 2 beautiful fish. Each guest boated a beautiful fresh Chinook that delivered an exciting fight.
This weekend and the excitement of the lodge guests was amazing with the great weather, the big fight and steady salmon fishing. Weekends like this go to show why us guides spend the whole off-season talking about QCL and our time up in Haida Gwaii!
Ryan ‘R’ Kelly