It’s a Guide’s Life – June 30th

With the strong northwest winds we had last week fishing has been a little scratchy. Today was another changeover and as all the guides waited on the dock to meet our newest guests the question is always where to fish today. It’s kind of a roll of the dice.
As we left the harbour in One-O-Four, we were one of the last boats off the dock. I placed my bets that the northwest winds had pushed a few fish over to our eastern fishing grounds. Fishing up at Slab Rock we had a few missed hits but our first hookup was a double header. This is always a bit of a chaotic way to start a trip but for me it also is very positive. There’s fish there! We landed both fish, a nice little Coho and a beautiful 19-pound Chinook. As I watched some of the boats drift down wind I fought to stay in the spot we hooked up. Staying on top of a pocket of fish is always key. As the tide was flooding we worked hard to not lose the school. In what sounded like a fairly spotty day on the grounds, we hooked roughly a dozen fish, kept three, and released a few smaller ones. Also we saw two other really good fish landed.
It’s a great start to the trip and we’re looking forward to heading out tomorrow and getting into some more salmon and… going offshore to do some bottom fishing!
Tight lines!
Dan “Rainman”