Guide’s Report – July 14th

What a day! Big fish have arrived on our grounds! The calm water made running the kelp easy and productive. Both today and yesterday there were some real cannons caught. My guest Matt released a thick 36 pounder yesterday and lodge guest Caleb S. (guided by Ryan Winger) landed a hog weighing in at 55 lbs!
Biggest fish of the season came in today, caught by unguided Driftwood guests… weighing in at 58 lbs! There were even more sizzlers with a beauty 51, 47, 45 and a few in the 30’s as well! It’s exciting to see fish of this calibre beginning to arrive! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will hold!
Until next time,
Tight Lines, Red Decks and Silver Smiles!
“The Show”
Tim Ames
July 17, 2015 at 7:25 pm
Can’t wait to get up there Monday, 7/20/15…!!! SalmonSlayer
Burke Wagener
July 24, 2015 at 5:08 am
I’m happy I have never done any fishing like this, because I would probably pee myself for excitement.
My wife got me a fishing trip with one of my best friends with you beginning September. ( For my 60s )
I hope I don’t get addicted.