Guide’s Report – July 28th

Fishing derbies can often bring out a secretive and overly competitive nature in many anglers regardless of what grand prizes are at stake. Here at Queen Charlotte Lodge we host a few derbies each year which often include both guided as well as unguided guests and we try to eliminate these negative aspects about the sport.
Our most popular event is the annual Kingfisher Derby. The Kingfisher Derby has a large emphasis on catch and release of large Chinook salmon. Every year our guide team has a derby amongst themselves for the single largest Chinook guided into during the entire season, whether it is caught and released or retained. This derby includes a small cash buy in but the emphasis for us involved is to have fun, continue to always work as a team, to always think about sharing information as the guest experience comes first and again to have fun. The winner has bragging rights until next season.
Currently QCL is hosting the North American Fishing Classic. Today we wrapped up day two and guests and guides alike are grinding the kelp beds hard, searching for those monster hogs to take the daily prize for largest Chinook caught. There have been some beauties caught on both days so far with several in the 30 and 40 pound class. Spirits are high as there are still two days left.
Today a non-derby angler, guided by QCL guide Coady D, caught and released a beauty 51 pounder – a stunning gold pin winning, 5 Bell Ringer, solid silver slab of a fish! Well done guys, thanks for putting it back! Fishing is supposed to be an enjoyable and relaxing sport shared by friends and family alike. But sometimes a little well-intended competition never hurts to bring out the positive and hopeful passion of an angler!
Keep your rods bent, nets ready and hang on for the ride!
Jeff “Smurf”