Kingfisher Report – August 14th

Large volumes of bait, both needlefish and herring, have shown up on the fishing grounds in recent days. As a result, we are finding lots of great salmon action throughout the grounds from Cape Naden to Klashwun Point. We’re seeing some really nice coho in the 12 to 15 pound class and the quantity of pink salmon seems to be decreasing noticeably. The most productive water is generally in the 120 to 130 foot range with steady action on feeder springs throughout much of the day. Fishing depths vary with time of day and tide but we are commonly fishing between 50 and 70 feet in the morning and often between 80 and 100 foot depths at mid day. While many anglers are accustomed to fishing herring, many have discovered through our guides that anchovies and spoons are working as well or better in most instances. Green Point has turned out the majority of large Coho so far but the waters off Bird 2 are starting to produce well just slightly offshore.
Recent salmon highlights are a 39 pound Chinook for Doug Quinn on the weekend, leading lots of thirty-something Tyees at the Bell Ringer through Sunday. Tuesday was the lucky day for first timer Karen Denna. While fishing with her husband Smokey and guide Chelsea Sinitsin at Parker Point, Karen battled an awesome Chinook for 40 minutes before it came to the net. Not surprising, considering it weighed in at 42 pounds. That’s a great fish Karen! And John Clough became the newest member of the 50 Pounder Club, aboard the FishFinder on Saturday, releasing a stunning fish that taped out to 51 pounds. Awesome John and Welcome to the Club!
Looking ahead to the weekend, this moderate southeasterly system will continue to dominate our area, bringing mainly cloudy skies. The tides are settling down now after peaking last Saturday so we could see the pattern change from the strong ebb tide bites we’re getting this week.