Nicely tucked in amongst tall Sitka spruce, between the Main Lodge and the Charlotte House, are the Cabins – Edenshaw and Hecate.
Both offer tranquil views of the wilderness and, through the woods, a glimpse of Naden Harbour. Each features a rainforest deck and river rock wall elements as well as a private 3-piece West Coast contemporary ensuite. Watch the wildlife pass by your room windows; bear, deer, marten and river otter frequent the property.
Since construction just a few years ago, the Cabins are a high demand accommodation; Feel at home in the middle of nowhere.
While QCL is the perfect place to get away from it all, the option to stay connected is available. Communicate with the “outside world” via our state-of-the-art satellite Wi-Fi network.
Just wanted to let anyone going fishing and looking for this type of venue, to go to QCL. They absolutely covered every base and every detail. The most amazingly friendly, helpful, and professional staff I have ever experienced. Food, accommodations, equipment, guides, and staff hit 12 out of 10 points every time.
~cthurmond2016 on TripAdvisor